Another MIPA!
Hello and welcome to our new website and the home of ‘Real World planning & buying’ at The Grove Media (formerly TCS Media). Firstly, the ownership team of Ciaran, Sean and myself would like to thank you for visiting our site and seeking to know …
New Video Frontiers event – Suzana Lay provides her key insights from the day
Hello and welcome to our new website and the home of ‘Real World planning & buying’ at The Grove Media (formerly TCS Media). Firstly, the ownership team of Ciaran, Sean and myself would like to thank you for visiting our site and seeking to know …
Exciting news today as Rayhan Uddin has been nominated by The Crown Estate for their Brilliant People customer service award
A big congratulations to Rayhan for receiving a nomination for Crown Estate’s Brilliant People customer service award. “Rayhan is incredibly pro-active and helpful. He breaks down a very comprehensive monthly report and picks out the main points that he thinks I will be interested in. …
“Celebrating women over 55” Alex Grayshon, Senior Account Manager, gives her view on the launch of Platinum Magazine
Last week DC Thomson launched a brand new magazine, Platinum, in an attempt to fill the gap in the market for an age-appropriate title for women 55+. With recent closures and a continuous drop in circulations, it may seem like a risky move to launch …
Hello and welcome
Hello and welcome to our new website and the home of ‘Real World planning & buying’ at The Grove Media (formerly TCS Media). Firstly, the ownership team of Ciaran, Sean and myself would like to thank you for visiting our site and seeking to know …