Webinar – Building back audiences with Smart Media

How arts & entertainment businesses can embrace advances in digital advertising
Arts & entertainment businesses up and down the country have had their toughest year in recent history and are now looking to welcome back audiences as COVID restrictions are eased. But with so many businesses fighting for the attention of cautious consumers, is it enough to simply rely on tried and tested methods of marketing? In this webinar, we look at the latest opportunities in digital media that could give theatres, museums and gated attractions the edge in winning back audiences.
In this webinar, you will learn:
– How to make advertising deliver impressive returns when it matters most
– How advances in digital are making TV, radio and outdoor more affordable and effective
– How best to use your own data for marketing success
– How ‘addressable media’ is delivering precise targeting and high returns
– The power of combining print and other traditional media with digital platforms
Link to webinar below
Picture reproduced by kind permission of Mike O’Dwyer