On the eve of the Foundation Certificate exam, new starter, Charlie Moore, celebrates the IPA CPD program

When I recently joined The Grove Media, it was immediately apparent how important staff training is to the agency and the role the IPA Certificate of Professional Development (CPD) plays in delivering a successful program.
For those who don’t know, the IPA or “The Institute of Practitioners in Advertising,” is a professional body that supports UK advertising agencies. They have an unprecedented pool of knowledge that agencies can draw upon. Not only does the IPA help marketers learn about the industry, they also act as a big brother to many agencies; voicing concerns and showcasing work. Ultimately, it’s the clients that member agencies engage with that will benefit, as the IPA helps practitioners to develop skills, and provide research insights which help us to stay ahead of the field in an everchanging industry.
The Grove Media have proudly partnered with the IPA for 25 years, which is a measure of how highly the agency regards the Institute and the role it plays in the development of our business.
The IPA CPD program is tied into the agency’s business plan, so it provides training that is relevant and beneficial, not only for our employees, but also for the many clients we work with on a daily basis.
As part of the program, all new starters are entered into the IPA’s Foundation Certificate. The Certificate is based around learning seven modules and taking a written exam, all designed to provide a rounded view of the machinations of the advertising industry. I joined in early January this year, so as the next exam sitting is Monday, 24th February, it’s meant I’ve had a real baptism of fire!
One of our new joiners, Omari Daniel told me, “I’m excited to be learning new information and gaining skills. It’s a great opportunity to obtain a real qualification, recognised within the industry, which will positively impact the present and future of my career”.
It’s clear to me that The Grove Media hold similar values to the IPA and I have joined a company where the culture is one of continuous improvement. As the IPA puts it so eloquently, “it’s no coincidence, the most successful agencies are already IPA members”.
I’d like to wish good luck to Alex and Omari who, along with myself, will be taking the exam on Monday and here’s to the next 25 years of successful business!
Photo by Green Chameleon on Unsplash